Easy Honey Chicken 蜜汁酥鸡

No need to buy Honey chicken powder mix from the store. You can make this simple, easy and healthy Honey Chicken on your own at home. I like to use boneless and skinless chicken tights for the tenderness. Of course you may substitute with chicken breast for lean eating.

Simple ingredients:

  • 2 skinless and boneless chicken tights, cut into stripes or bite size cubes
  • salt and ground pepper
  • corn starch for coating
  • cooking oil, just enough for pan fry (not deep fry)
  • 1 Tbsp. fresh garlic, minced
  • 1 Tbsp. light soy sauce
  • 1 Tbsp. Honey

Easy to make:

  1. Seasoning the chicken with pinch of salt and ground pepper. Coat seasoned chicken with corn starch all over. 
  2. Heat cooking oil in a medium wok till hot. Pan fry the chicken on all sides until golden brown. Add garlic and stir for a minute till smell the fragrance of garlic. Then, add soy sauce and stir to coat the color on the chicken pieces. Do not add any water. Add honey at last, stir until sauce reduced and glazed on all chicken pieces. 
  3. Serve with steamed rice...yummm...

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