
Cassava Bites

Cassava is also called Yuca. There are many recipes for cassava cake on the website, sweet and cheesy by adding condensed milk, evaporate milk, eggs, cheese, etc. They can be baked or steamed, I used microwave instead. My recipe below is light and not too sweet, just right amount of sugar for your sweet craving, so that you can taste the natural flavor of cassava. All ingredients can be purchased from Asian grocery stores and they are inexpensive.

Simple ingredients:
  • 1 bag (16 oz.) frozen grated cassava, defrost to room temperature
  • 1 can (13 oz.) coconut milk
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1/2 tsp. lye water (optional)
  • 1/2 tsp. pandan essence (or use vanilla extract)
  • Fresh grated coconut (or sweetened shredded coconut) for coating
Easy to make:
  1. In a large mixing bowl, combine grated cassava, coconut milk and sugar together, whisk until well blend. Then, add lye water and pandan essence, mix well.
  2. Spray no-stick cooking oil over a 8x8 microwaveable pan or container. Pour the batter into the container. Cover with plastic wrap. Microwave on high for 5 minutes at a time for 4-5 times, until no white batter in the center. All batter should turn clear, not solid white look.
  3. Let it cool completely in the refrigerator. Cut into bite sizes and roll over the grated coconut. Serve cold.