
Spam Musubi

You will need...
  • 4-6 cups cooked Asian brand rice or sushi rice
  • 1 can Turkey Spam
  • 8 sheets Nori for Sushi
  • 1 Tbsp. cooking oil
  • 1 Tbsp. soy sauce
  • 1 Tbsp. Sugar
Make it...
  1. Cut Turkey Spam into stripes.
  2. Heat 1 Tbsp. cooking oil in a medium sauce pan on medium heat. Lightly brown the spam, add soy sauce and sugar. Cook until the sauce deduced and thick. Cool.
  3. Place 1 sheet Nori on a sushi mat with the shiny side down. Spread 1 cup cooked rice on the Nori, place 4 to 6 stripes of spam on the rice. Roll it up like making sushi. Seal the end with few rice.
  4. Cut into the pics. as you desire.

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